📄️ Configuration
The DeepHub® can be configured in three different ways. Listed from most to least specific, these ways are:
📄️ Security & Authorization
The DeepHub® uses the OpenID standard to ensure secure access to the API.
📄️ Modes of Operation
Latency and Asynchronous Behaviour
📄️ WebSocket API
📄️ Locating Rule Extension
A trackable can be associated with several location providers.
📄️ Mobile Zone Extension
The Mobile Zone Extension (MZE) of the DeepHub® allows for the seamless integration of proximity-based positioning solutions that change their position. The MZE changes the position of your proximity zone by connecting the zone with location updates of a real-time locating system - via an omlox Location Provider or an omlox Trackable.
📄️ Cisco CMX Adapter
The Cisco CMX Location Notification Adapter enables the DeepHub® to be integrated with existing Cisco infrastructure, without the need for an additional middleware.
📄️ ISO-24730 Adapter
The ISO-24730 Adapter enables the DeepHub® to be integrated with ISO-24730-capable real-time locating systems. The ISO-24730 standard was created in the mid 2000s and revised in 2014. It is supported by
📄️ Quuppa Connector
The Quuppa connector for the DeepHub allows to connect a Quuppa Positioning Engine to the DeepHub by creating omlox location updates from the Quuppa locations.
📄️ RPC Interface
The DeepHub® can act as a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) gateway via WebSocket, allowing local devices or services to connect with other devices or services over a local network infrastructure and the internet (which are normally separate from each other and not reachable). This allows for querying of sensor data and device capabilities, or initiating firmware updates as well as other types of information exchange which can be handled via RPC. The DeepHub RPC interface is based on the JSON-RPC exchange format version 2.0.